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COVID-19 in Rexburg: When and How to Seek Medical Care

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These symptoms typically appear within 2-14 days of exposure. 

Symptoms fever.Symptoms cough.symptoms shortness of breath

In Eastern Idaho, your first step should be to call your doctor, to discuss any concerns you may have, to ask for advice, and to receive instructions on what to do next.

In addition to displaying the above symptoms, you should call your doctor if (a) you’ve been in close contact with someone known to have COVID-19.

Please DO NOT enter a public place, like Madison Memorial Hospital, if you suspect that you’ve been exposed to COVID-19. Rather, call your physician first, and get instructions on next steps.


What to do if you are sick (CDC)

CDC Fact Sheet on Coronavirus

Madison Memorial’s COVID-19 page